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Board Member Responsibilities

Chairperson, is primarily responsible for:

  • Coordinating with the AMA on policies and guidelines of SIG operations

  • Ensuring that the SIG operates within the guidelines as set forth by the AMA

  • Strategic initiatives, inclusive of budgeting and planning of activities

  • Completing required AMA reports (e.g., budget requests, SIG activities, etc.)

  • Advising and coordinating the activities of the other SIG officers

  • Chairing the Board meeting at the Winter and Summer AMA Educators' Conferences (e.g., preparing an agenda for distribution prior to the meeting, gathering input from the members who will be unable to attend, etc.)

  • Writing quarterly "message from the Chair" for inclusion in the SIG newsletter

  • Keeping in contact with the other officers during the year to keep them apprised of SIG issues that arise

Chair-Elect, is primarily responsible for:

  • Assuming the responsibilities of the Chairperson at the Chairperson's request or in the event the Chairperson is absent or unable to fulfil his/her duties

  • Becoming familiar with the current Chairperson activities and responsibilities through a review of prior reports, correspondence, etc.

  • Preparing the annual planning documents required by the AMA for the year in which the Chair-Elect will assume the Chairperson position

  • Working with the AMA educator website administrator to facilitate the distribution of Global Marketing material


Treasurer-Executive Secretary, is primarily responsible for:

  • Ensuring compliance with AMA guidelines in regard to AMA SIG expenses

  • Coordinating with the AMA for reimbursement of SIG expenses

  • Entering all receipts and expenses in an account book and/or computer record

  • Preparing an annual fiscal report for the Chair to be included in the required reporting to the AMA

  • Promotion of relationships with external groups (e.g., Centers for International Business Education and Research, publishers, etc.) for development purposes

  • Taking minutes of each meeting, including motions and votes

  • Distributing the minutes of each meeting to the SIG officers

Vice-Chair of Communications, is primarily responsible for:

  • Communicating with the Global Marketing SIG membership

  • Updating and maintaing e-mail and snail mail lists

  • Working with the SIG Webmaster to post news on the website

  • Working with the AMA educator website administrator to facilitate the distribution of Global Marketing material

Vice-Chair of Membership, is primarily responsible for:

  • Promoting the SIG within the AMA

  • Initiating the recruitment efforts

  • Working with the membership to ensure that the SIG is meeting their needs

  • Coordinating with the Vice-Chair of Communications and Editor, Global Interests, for the solicitation of nominations for the SIG awards from the membership

  • Forming a committee of SIG officers to serve on the Awards and Recognition committee

  • Securing appropriate awards for recipients (e.g., plaques, etc.)

  • Working with the Treasurer and Secretary on sources of funding for additional awards

Editor, Global Interests, is primarily responsible for:

  • Generating the SIGs newsletter on a quarterly basis (Janurary, April, July, and October)

  • Generate and coordinate content for the newsletter

  • Work with SIG officers, special issue editors, members of other organizations to enhance the diversity of views presented in the newsletter

  • Coordinating  with the Vice-Chair of Communications and the SIG Webmaster for the distribution of the newsletter to the membership

International Liaison, is primarily responsible for:

  • Facilitating the coordination of activities with non-U.S. marketing and or international business groups

  • Representing the interests of non-U.S. based SIG members

  • Building awareness and interest of non-U.S. academics regarding conference events

  • Stimulating cooperative relationships between non-U.S. academics and Global Marketing SIG members

Conference Liaison, is primarily responsible for:

  • Planning of our annual membership meeting (summer AMA) and membership reception (winter AMA)

  • Building awareness and interest of membership regarding conference events

  • Coordinating activities with the Global Marketing track chair for each conference

  • Stimulating conference attendees to attend the various SIG activities (e.g., making announcements in sessions, putting reminders on the Bulletin Boards, etc.)

Webmaster, is primarily responsible for:

  • Updating the website with current information concerning AMA conference events

  • Coordinating with the Vice-Chair of Communications and the Editor, Global Interests, for posting news on the website

Doctoral Student Liaison, is primarily responsible for:

  • Establishing and maintaining a relationship with the AMA DocSIG

  • Ensuring that AMA DocSIG members receive Global Marketing SIC communications

  • Working with doctoral students to propose special conference events

Past-Chair, is primarily responsible for:

  • Assisting the Chair in assuming his/her responsibilities as SIG Chair

  • Facilitating a smooth transition of leadership in the SIG and between the SIG and the AMA

  • Assisting the Vice-Chair of Membership, Awards and Recognitions in recruitment efforts

  • Assisting the Treasurer/Executive Secretary in development efforts

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